Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Good evening. I am Clanmccray. Don't like the name? Too bad, it was my choice. Don't understand the name? That I can help you with. Just give me a chance. Damn you're impatient.

I decided to start an online blog because I have a lot of family and friends scattered all over the US and in some cases in other countries. And considering the fact that I'm shipping out for boot camp on January 17th, this would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated to the general happenings in my world. Hell, you might even enjoy what you read.

As for the name. It goes back about 8 or 9 years ago. While in college at Purdue, a few friends of mine started up a LARP (Live action role playing) game. For those who don't know what this is, think Dungeons and Dragons only you actually act out your character. Except this was done with Vampire: the Masquerade. I created my first McCray. Named Colin. He was the big bad sheriff of the town. Ruled by might. I created him to be that way.

Anyway, the person running the game was awarding experience to people who came up with a backstory for their character. So I sat down to write one. And I wrote. And I wrote. And I wrote. Ten pages later, I had chapter one of his backstory. This was something I enjoy so I would periodically continue the story. Mostly during my week of summer vacation with the family in Wisconsin. I have the first section of the story done. Unfortunately it is scattered in many, many different places. Some typed on computer, some hand-written. Some just MIA.

So you can see where I got McCray from. Kinda. Why Clan? For god's sake I'm gettting to it. Yeesh, you all gotta relax.

McCray kinda rolled around my head very well for me. I like the sound of it. Nice and powerful. So I used it for various online chatboards and games, and well as other LARPs. I started to really identify with it. Each of the different boards I went to, I always had a slightly different personality. So new characters and new backstories emerged. Belle McCray was an upbeat hunter. Luke McCray was an emotionless sniper. Helena McCray was a happy-go-lucky medic. Cybil McCray was an undead priest. Every new personality was a new name. Along with their own stories of various lengths.

The stable of characters is very large. And since I tend to enjoy linking them all as family of some sort, it just became natural for me to call them a clan. Ultimately if I could put at least a few of their lives in print, I would enjoy that immensely.

So that's how the name came to be. Needless to say I'll be giving this blog address out to family and friends. Both real life and virtual. If I confuse ya with my storytelling, you'll survive. Just remember there is only one real me. I'm the one typing.

So to celebrate my first blog...I'm going to sleep. I have anatomy class in 3 hours. Reproductive systems. Oh what fun.


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