Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Slayer of the Undead

I admit it. I have a problem. Or obsession, however you want to look at it.

I love to slay the undead.

Zombies, skeletons, vampires, mummies, etc...if they once lived, then they died, but then somehow started moving again, I have to kill them.

Everyone I know has seen this side of me at least once. My FFXI crew has seen it with Helena. My family has seen me do it in Castlevania. My college friends know it from playing Vampire: Dark Ages (granted I was a vampire in this one as well...but those blood suckers still need to die.) And my coworkers have seen my obsession with resident evil.


Now why would I even bring this up? The new Castlevania for DS came out of course. So far its an interesting storyline drawn from one of the lesser known Castlevanias (Bloodlines from the Genesis.) While it hasn't quite grabbed me like some of the others, its still new, still interesting and still Castlevania.

On a side note I had a meeting with the new chief today at my recruiting post. Told me how my career would most likely look like. From what he was saying with the path I'm choosing, I'd be stationed at one of the major Naval hospitals. Which means I'd most likely be noncombat. You may breathe easier now.

As far as my normal writings go, this post was kinda short...I'll have to fix that for next time.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Relationships are for the stupid.

Sorry for the lack of posting. I've been either sick, busy or a combonation of the two lately.

I was talking to a friend today at work. Unfortunately without knowing or realizing it, he brought up some harsh emotions within. He is a mutual friend of the last person I dated. And we all still keep in contact. I broke off that relationship because I wanted to concentrate on school, concentrate on getting ready for the Navy and because I felt there were expectations of a long term relationship that I couldn't follow through with. Though only the first two were voiced at the break up.

Fortunately, the break up was amicable. I get a phone call from my ex not too long ago and we talked. As friends. I think my ex still has hope for a reunion. I believe the relationship was probably doomed from the start.

We started off in a casual relationship. Friends with benefits. Considering there is a distinct possibility of me shipping overseas or to war, I didn't really want to get into a committed relationship. We agreed together and things were...okay.

The problem came in when I suspected that my ex was still having a 'friends with benefits' thing with an ex. While we never actually committed to a relationship, I don't like sharing. Especially not something that personal. I asked if this was the case. My ex said yes, because we weren't actually in a relationship. I was devastated and didn't know what to do. So I think I made the wrong choice. I asked if we could be in a relationship.

Looking back, I probably should have just called the whole thing off at that point. But I was lonely. So I went the opposite direction.

Fortunately for all involved, things ended without dire consequences. However, considering this was the second relationship in a row (and the first two within about four years) that an ex cheated on me and either blamed me (#1) or didn't see anything wrong with it (#2), it kinda shatters my confidence that a good relationship is possible.

"You were done wrong...that shouldn't have happened to you." That's what my friend said. He was being sympathetic and reassuring. It just brought back a few pains that I felt I had already dealt with.

I'll survive though. I always have. A little Co-op Guitar Hero II, some beer and heavy metal will be good for the soul. I've always been a strong soul. I just sometimes need a little assurance that things will be okay.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Search and seizure

As some of you know, I work at a casino. For those of you who make think is fun, allow me to ram a steel rod through your gall bladder and then ask you how much fun that was. After I get some sort of bloody gurgle from you, I'll remove the rod then impale you in your pancreas and ask you the same question. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

Indiana law states that in order to work in a casino, you must pass a drug test. Fine and dandy. I'm not a joker. I'm not a smoker. I'm not a midnight toker. Pass the test with flying colors. Except for green. They didn't find the green. Hence the reason I have a job. Hadn't heard about it since.

Tonight, I get a call over the radio.

[S1]Bossman: McCray, I need to see you in my office.

Lemme give you a rundown on the last few times I've received that call:

Reprimanded for an offense.
Sign a form about emergency contacts.
Reprimanded about my hair.
Reprimanded for the same offense that happened on a different occasion before the initial reprimand.

Yeah, I kinda shook my head on that last one too. But I hate the job so I don't really care. Anyway, you see why receiving that call is usually not a good one. But at least it gets me out of work for an undetermined amount of time.

So I walk into the office.

McCray: So what part of my life am I signing away today, bossman? Am I being forced to donate a kidney?
[S1] Bossman: No, but you're close. That's disgusting, by the way.
McCray: I'm...close?
[S1] Bossman: Random drug test. Sign this paper and take in downstairs within 5 minutes.

*Stares at paper.*

McCray: You realize that you saw me walking out of the restroom 15 minutes ago, right?
[S1] Bossman: *Sigh* don't have to go right now, but you still have to report downstairs.

So downstairs I go. And I get in line. I get in a very long line. It appears as though I'm not the only untrustworthy individual in the casino. Glass of water in hand, I begin drinking.

Incidentally, the last time I remember seeing a pop quiz happen like this was April 21st. I noted the irony, had a little laugh and walked away that time. This time was a bit different.

So I'm standing in line. Water being passed back and forth like that inane bottles of beer on the wall. After moving in line about 5 feet, I look back.

Wouldn't you know it...a test that not even management can weasel out of.

McCray: Hiya [S1] Blondie! I didn't expect to see you down here!

She's another one of my bosses. And she was not amused. Also, she was not talking.

Drudge 10 more feet.

[S1] Blondie: I really got to

Here I am. Dilemna before me. Do I allow her to get ahead of me so I can earn those precious brownie points to save when I want to throw a guest overboard, or allow her to get ahead of me so that I can waste even more precious time not doing work.

I chose the third option. I let her go ahead of me because I'm such a sweet and innocent soul. Pft BWA HA HA!!!! Yeah...I couldn't keep a straight face either.

Move another 5 feet.

By this time, I finally reach the test administrator. Time in transit: 30 minutes.

McCray: Does this mean I failed the test?


McCray: You have an awesome job, has anyone ever told you that?

*more grunting*

He's points to where I need to sign over ownership of any cattle to be sacrificed the dark lord of beauraucratic ineptitude. Joke's on him. I already signed them over to the goddess of green lights and speed limits. I'm still waiting to here back on that one...stupid old people driving 40 on a 55mph speed limit road...

After much signing and carpal tunnel beginnings, I waited in the next line to pee in yonder cup.

There was a holding pen for those who were tapped to contribute, but could not muster the...juices. I considered joining that crowd, if even for just a bit, but I decided that I had what it took.

Bypassing the graphic scenes, I'll just say that I made the cut. Even if just barely. I wash my hands and head out. Elapsed time: 60 boring yet workless minutes.

About this time, it's quittin' time. Time to pack up and head home. Yeehaw.

I walk into slot HQ ready to put my supplies away.

[S1] Blondie: So were you able to push it out?

I will admit this is not the first time she's stunned me an almost inappropriate comment. But I have a sense of humor, so I fire back.

McCray: 4th and more push and I was able to get it over the line! I scored!!!

She didn't even flinch. I must work harder.

So the moral of the story, kiddies, is to not work in a casino. that right?

Yup. No worky in casino. Go have a beer, foo'.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Good evening. I am Clanmccray. Don't like the name? Too bad, it was my choice. Don't understand the name? That I can help you with. Just give me a chance. Damn you're impatient.

I decided to start an online blog because I have a lot of family and friends scattered all over the US and in some cases in other countries. And considering the fact that I'm shipping out for boot camp on January 17th, this would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated to the general happenings in my world. Hell, you might even enjoy what you read.

As for the name. It goes back about 8 or 9 years ago. While in college at Purdue, a few friends of mine started up a LARP (Live action role playing) game. For those who don't know what this is, think Dungeons and Dragons only you actually act out your character. Except this was done with Vampire: the Masquerade. I created my first McCray. Named Colin. He was the big bad sheriff of the town. Ruled by might. I created him to be that way.

Anyway, the person running the game was awarding experience to people who came up with a backstory for their character. So I sat down to write one. And I wrote. And I wrote. And I wrote. Ten pages later, I had chapter one of his backstory. This was something I enjoy so I would periodically continue the story. Mostly during my week of summer vacation with the family in Wisconsin. I have the first section of the story done. Unfortunately it is scattered in many, many different places. Some typed on computer, some hand-written. Some just MIA.

So you can see where I got McCray from. Kinda. Why Clan? For god's sake I'm gettting to it. Yeesh, you all gotta relax.

McCray kinda rolled around my head very well for me. I like the sound of it. Nice and powerful. So I used it for various online chatboards and games, and well as other LARPs. I started to really identify with it. Each of the different boards I went to, I always had a slightly different personality. So new characters and new backstories emerged. Belle McCray was an upbeat hunter. Luke McCray was an emotionless sniper. Helena McCray was a happy-go-lucky medic. Cybil McCray was an undead priest. Every new personality was a new name. Along with their own stories of various lengths.

The stable of characters is very large. And since I tend to enjoy linking them all as family of some sort, it just became natural for me to call them a clan. Ultimately if I could put at least a few of their lives in print, I would enjoy that immensely.

So that's how the name came to be. Needless to say I'll be giving this blog address out to family and friends. Both real life and virtual. If I confuse ya with my storytelling, you'll survive. Just remember there is only one real me. I'm the one typing.

So to celebrate my first blog...I'm going to sleep. I have anatomy class in 3 hours. Reproductive systems. Oh what fun.